
Apologize from me

Dear blog ku sayang, maafkan pengisi mu ini yaa...sudah hampir sebulan lebih gak posting *peluk cium blog*
Well, sekarang kamu akan saya urus dengan sebaik mungkin dengan seluruh jiwa, tenaga, dan pikiran saya. Yess (҂'̀⌣'́)9

So, what happen to me back a month ago ? So many things ! :)
But, I will tell you only one thing hehee... I broke up with tuan kumis. 
Its happen on early October. The reasons are I've no chemistry with him anymore and other things that I can't tell you  in here.
Different feeling, he's not the same as a man that I knew from the start. And so did he, he felt the same feeling as I. So, we made a deal..just be friend. But, a problem just came after we broke up. Don't worry, it's okay now.
Now I'm free as a bird yippiee :D

Eh, maaf ya sebelumnya..kalo cerita mengenai begitu sih saya biasa pakai bahasa Inggris. Udah setting-an begitu :p
Saya sempat kehilangan semangat menulis dan bercerita di sini..ahh, mungkin kemarin-kemarin saya galau sekali hahaha..
Sekarang saya mau lagi buat bercerita tentang hidup saya. Tempat saya "nyampah" ya memang di sini seharusnya.
Semoga semangat menulis dan bercerita saya ga hilang lagi dan ga lup-lep gitu amiin yaaa... :D

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