June, 8th 2013
Age is just about number...but you know, woman always feels sensitive in everything about number. Well, so do I :/
One day closer to 24-my-age ! :(
But I didn't feel that I'm in that age, I feels young everyday bwahahaa :)))
By the way, I always want to enjoy in every second in my-changes-of-age..special in this age, I unplaned everything just spontaneous :))
First things I do in the morning, my aunty ask me to accompany her to go to Health Service of City. Not for checking her health, but there's an annual meeting member of cooperative in that departement. I ever go once and it's so bored :/
Haa, I still accompany her finally...luckily, there's a wi-fi signal in that place and it was so, so help me ! :)))
To kill the bored time, I took some photos in that place, played with kitten, and anything I can do at that time :/
One of The Cartoon's Wedding
April, 28th 2013
One of the Cartoon's member is going marry this day, this friend named Ega. The other member will attend this wedding reception that held in the bride house. The place was quite far, so we made a deal to gather at Dago. Luckily, Yon bring his car so we had no problem to go there :D
Actually I didn't remember when lastly I meet Ega. But, when I saw him...he become more chubby hahhaha :))
Sadly, we're not close enough with the bride...that's the first time I met with Ega's wife. She's so beautiful...how lucky you are, Ega :D
Once again, congratulation for the wedding Ega. Pray for us, the singles to get married in very soon :3
One of the Cartoon's member is going marry this day, this friend named Ega. The other member will attend this wedding reception that held in the bride house. The place was quite far, so we made a deal to gather at Dago. Luckily, Yon bring his car so we had no problem to go there :D
Actually I didn't remember when lastly I meet Ega. But, when I saw him...he become more chubby hahhaha :))
Sadly, we're not close enough with the bride...that's the first time I met with Ega's wife. She's so beautiful...how lucky you are, Ega :D
Once again, congratulation for the wedding Ega. Pray for us, the singles to get married in very soon :3
Youkuso~..Risa-chan, Shiki-chan (day 2)
Hahhaa..super late post hahahaha -___-
In the last post, I still write about the homestayers Risa and Shiki.
But honestly..I'm too lazy to tell you about it :(
Let's the photos tells you about it hehehee..I'm sorry *bow*
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On the Sunday morning when they had breakfast, they were surprised with this Nohara Sinosuke appeared on our TV hahaha :))) |
Youkuso~..Risa-chan, Shiki-chan (day 1)
Saturday on March, 23rd 2013
Our home will be visited by the homestay-ers student from Japan. My cousin's school has a partnership with Good Neighbours International (GNI) in Japan. I didn't know the details of their program but from what I see is they visit country which has natural-disaster background. We know that Indonesia is one of that country :(
Well, I will tell you later about what they do while they were here :p
Now I will introduce you about the kids whose stay in our home..
My Cousin, Phasa tell us about the news that she has choosen by her teachers to take the students from japan to homestay in her house. And then she said yes for that task...she so excited and can't wait for their coming :)
Another Soulmates
Best friends..I only have a few of them.
Masih bisa dihitung pakai jari.
Teman memang banyak, tapi untuk sahabat hanya beberapa yang saya bisa percaya :)
Benang merah antara saya dan mereka adalah kesamaan pemikiran, kesukaan yang sama, kegilaan yang serupa /(‾▿‾/)┌(_o_)┐(/‾▿‾)/
Entah saya yang kurang berperilaku seperti wanita atau entah apalah..kebanyakan teman yang bisa nyambung dengan saya itu para pria (ړײ)
Teman wanita juga banyak tapi kedekatan kurang bertahan lama, sekedar kenal, komunikasi tidak terlalu intens, emosinya kurang nyambung hehehe..yah begitulah.
Tapi, tentu saya selalu berusaha baik kepada setiap orang tanpa pandang gender :)
Well, ini diantaranya sahabat kesayangan itu ƪƪ'▿') ('▿'ʃʃ
Do the Harlem Shake !
Con los teroristas~
Lirik bagian pertama dari lagunya Bauuer - Harlem Shake yang sekarang lagi happening banget !
Terus apaan Harlem Shake itu ?
Harlem Shake itu video joget-joget-terserah-kamu-deh yang dibagi jadi dua bagian diirigi sama lagu Harlem Shake.
Bagian pertama ditandai dengan lirik Con los teroristas~ , terus ada 1 orang yang joget goyang-goyang asik di tengah kerumunan orang-orang yang sedang fokus asik sendiri ngerjain kerjaannya. 1 orang ini anggap ajah gak ada gitu hahaha..
Mari Nyusu di Milk Fest
Sebulan yang lalu (sepertinya), saya dan beberapa teman janji ketemuan. Merasa bosan dengan suasana kedai kopi favorit, kami mencoba tempat baru. Kali ini dengan nuansa susu~... ƪ(˘ڡ˘)ʃ
Welcome to Milk Fest !
Sebuah tempat berkonsep tongkrongan yang menyajikan beragam racikan minuman susu.
Yang buatin minumannya kakak cowok yang kece-kece *salah fokus*
Harga bersahabat sekali, ceman-ceman~.. (~'3')~
This kind of feeling...
Hari ini semenjak mimpi itu, kamu kembali berputar-putar di kepala ku.
Otak ini tidak berhenti memainkan beragam memori tentang kamu...kadang berbentuk slideshow, kadang berbentuk movie clip.
Sudah hampir setahun aku tidak melihat mu dan bertegur sapa melalui SMS atau pun social media...apa kabar kamu, Cappucinno ?
Aku sudah berusaha lho untuk "lupa".
Tapi, semenjak mimpi itu..mimpi yang sangat indah sampai detik ini.
Kamu di mimpi aku, memakai kemeja kotak-kotak biru yang paling aku suka.
Dengan celana jeans yang membuat kamu semakin tinggi saja.
Juga sneakers yang kamu beli ketika kita jalan bersama..kamu bilang, "Buu, pilihin ya sepatunya.."
Bella Ice Salon
Happy Birthday, Evan :)
1 Januari 2013
Malam tahun baru ada kabar mendadak dari si teteh, "Fa, besok jadi ngerayain ulang taun si Evan lhoo.."
Evan ini sepupu paling kecil, paling menggemaskan di keluarga Wiratman ini dan sebenarnya ulang tahun dia itu 8 Januari hehehe...sengaja perayaannya dimajukan soalnya Evan kepingin ulang tahunnya dirayakan bareng-bareng sama keluarga Sukabumi, mumpung libur sekolah :)
Dan malamnya Evan bakal balik lagi ke Depok :(
So, terbentuklah panitia-dadakan-ulang-tahun-Evan :D
Keluarga di Kebonjati bertugas memesan kue dan menyiapkan kado-kado, Papa Mama-nya Evan booking tempat...rencananya mau di McDonalds atau KFC, keluarga di Sukaraja masak nasi kuning dan teman-temannya.
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